Courtney Long’s journey to SWIHA was, well, long. Her journey began back in 2002, while she was working as a social worker in Michigan. She was helping adults with Alzheimer’s, dementia, serious mental illnesses, developmental disabilities and traumatic injuries. While she loved to help people, the job was mentally and spiritually exhausting, and never quite felt like her true calling. While in Michigan Courtney starting hearing of this new thing called Life Coaching, yet the timing wasn’t ever quite right to do anything about it.
Learning the importance of listening to our guts or inner knowing, not just with our minds, was a crucial lesson for me.”
~ Courtney Long
Everything has its own right ‘divine’ timing! As soon as Courtney arrived in Phoenix she synchronistically heard a SWIHA radio commercial and she immediately, and intuitively, knew she had to answer the invitation to be a Life Coach
, and so she enrolled in the program! Her deep felt-sense was what that her life was about to change!
Courtney recalls her initial Life Coaching program, taught by a master Life Coach named Richard Seaman, and how much of an impact it had on her: “The program blew me away. It helped me discover who I truly am. I went through a major personal transformation in the program. I loved when Richard Seaman taught us the difference between our head, heart and inner knowing. Learning the importance of listening to our guts or inner knowing, not just with our minds, was a crucial lesson for me.”

Courtney also went on to graduate from SWIHA’s Hypnotherapy
and Reiki programs. She was initially drawn to Hypnotherapy because, at the time, she had insomnia. “Hypnotherapy helped me heal what was keeping me awake and allow myself to peacefully sleep again. And, I learned so much more. I fell in love with the land of the Subconscious mind. Major transformation can take place by clearing out our old fears, blocks and limiting beliefs. I healed so much old pain and hurt within me, and finally realized I was good enough, worthy and lovable.” Some of her favorite classes were Sacred Agreements, Subconscious Intervention, Past Life Regression, and Spirit Releasement.
"l fell in love with the land of the Subconscious mind."
~ Courtney Long
Soon after she graduated from SWIHA, Courtney quit her job and started up her own business as a Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and motivational speaker. Originally, she was on a mission to help people love themselves and discover their inner gifts and strengths. SWIHA shifted that a bit, as Courtney shared. “I was so unhappy most of my life, hiding behind a mask of who I thought people wanted me to be. After completing the Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy programs, I came out as my authentic self. I even wrote a book about it called, Authentic and Free: A Journey from Shame to Self-Acceptance.” (Her book is available in SWIHA’s Healing Pages bookstore or on her website.) No matter the goal her clients have when beginning to work with her, Courtney said it all boils down to them “discovering that they’re good enough, worthy and lovable at a deep, subconscious level.”
When asked to further describe her company and how she works with her clients, Courtney had this to say: “I help spiritual seekers discover their divine Life Purpose, confidently connect with the Angels and open their intuition, so they can shine brightly, share their gifts, shift the planet, and make the difference they were born to make.“
She mentioned that a lot of her clients come to her for angel readings, seeking guidance around their love life, career or business. Courtney happily admitted how “it’s so fun sharing the Angels’ answers to my clients’ questions. They usually walk away feeling so much lighter, with so much hope.”
Courtney also explained that her business, which is named “Courtney Long Angels,” offers life-changing retreats, virtual classes, workshops, Intuitive Angel Readings, guided meditations, hypnotherapy and more! She’s also in the process of creating an Intuitive Angel Reading certification class. Her business is mostly virtual at this point, as she teaches webinars and online classes, in addition to doing lots of Angel readings via the phone or over Skype. She also teaches destination retreats in-person.
In regards to what tools she uses to market her business, Courtney shared five major tips:
- Word of mouth and client referrals are a huge source of her clientele.
- Speaking and hosting workshops and webinars have been Courtney’s primary way of expanding her business and helping others.
- Consistent Facebook posting/sharing helps her create a public presence.
- Meetup groups offer face-to-face networking opportunities.
- YouTube videos are a useful marketing tool to help potential clients have an opportunity to experience her first-hand, even if only virtually.

Courtney glows when reporting her greatest joys when working with people is “the joy of connecting with the Angels and their departed loved ones, helping people to find a deeper connection to their own soul, and fully support them in connecting with the realm of Spirit. I fly high when I am even a small part of someone experiencing the freedom and confidence to be their authentic selves, shine brightly, share their gifts and make a true difference in this world.”
Her journey through SWIHA as a student has now brought her back, this time as a teacher! She primarily teaches the Public Speaking class, although she’s taught several other classes over the years. When asked what it’s like to be on the other end of the spectrum as a teacher, Courtney explained:
“It’s never felt weird or strange that I used to be a student and now I teach at SWIHA. It’s always felt like I was just destined to go from one chapter to another chapter in the book of my life. I’m so grateful for having been a student, who is now a teacher. And yet, I look at everyone in the classroom as both a ‘teacher’ and a ‘student’ – myself included. We are all equal and have so much to share and learn from one another."
When I asked what the biggest lesson she’s learned as teacher at SWIHA, Courtney had this to say: “I am an instrument of Spirit. My job is to facilitate learning, discussion and to ask awesome questions so the students can have their own AHAs and self-reflections. In other words, the more I get out of the way and let the magic happen, the more fun and meaningful it is for everyone.”
In closing, Courtney had this beautiful message to share for future or current SWIHA graduates:
“Follow your heart and soul. Find your own path. It may look very different from what you used to think it would be. It may look very different from your family’s expectations. Follow your own path. Be your authentic self. The more time you spend in self-discovery, the more you’ll have to offer your clients. Be brave and dive into the depths of your soul. Go through your own healing journey – continually. And share your message. Speak, write your book or share in other ways. You have a story inside. Have the courage to say YES to you, to say YES to your gifts and YES to your dreams. You deserve it, and this world needs YOU and your beautiful LIGHT.“
Want to keep up with Courtney? Check out all her social media links below!