Great Graduates from SWIHA, SWINA & SOY

Mark Flory ~ From mid-life crisis to finding a "full-filling" mission

Mark Flory thought he had it all -- family, job, house, and lots of friends. Then at age 44, things started to change. “I guess you can say I had a mid-life crisis of identity. At the time of my decision to go to Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), I had just sold a business that I thought was going to be my retirement plan.” Mark was feeling like a failure and that he let his family down.

To top it off, Mark applied and interviewed with a company for a position that seemed like it was written specifically for him. After several interviews and feeling really good about getting the new job, he met with the owner and president. Remembering the shock and disbelief, Mark shared that he bombed the interview and didn’t get the job.

Mark now realizes that he was having a spiritual awakening. “My intuitive abilities had been activated and I was starting to awaken to the possibilities of helping people with these new found gifts. During this process, however, many things came up for me that challenged everything that I was. It is never easy to one day say to your friends, ‘Oh by the way, I see dead people and can read your energy.’ Most of them thought I was crazy and really didn’t want to associate with me anymore. Because of this, I isolated myself and I started to question who I was and what I was really put on this earth to do. There is nothing like being 44 years old and not knowing who you are anymore.”

Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Holistic Nutrition, Hypnotherapy, Blog

Have No Fear by Quentin McCain aka Coach Q

Growing up as an only child with a single mother, Quintin McCain has seen his fair share of struggle. He candidly shares how he chose to hang out with gangsters in his adolescent years. As a result, Quentin found himself involved in activities ranging from selling drugs to carrying weapons.

Although Quentin attended four different high schools, he succeeded in completing his high school diploma. At the age of eighteen, he fell asleep at the wheel of this vehicle and crashed into a light pole, leaving him with a broken femur, fractured ribs, a punctured lung, and a new lease on life. It was this unexpected incident that helped him to realize he was put on this earth for a reason—to change the world for the better.

The next event that forever impacted Quentin’s life was the birth of his beautiful daughter, Alyssa. Upon her birth, Quentin vowed to be a positive role model for his daughter and be someone she could be proud of. The journey to his destined path would not be easy; there were many challenges such as anxiety, the absence of a true purpose, and the lack of a mentor or role-model in his life.

Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, life coach, Blog

Nancy Santana ~ Living in a State of Gratitude

If you were to pinpoint Nancy Santana’s philosophy on life you could use her Pinterest description: “I am an empowerment lifestyle spirit junkie -- loving anything mind-body wellness! I love holistic… intuitive…spiritual! I am the founder of the #chooseLOVE movement and The Lotus Wellness Center. Follow me!”

Nancy Santana was going through some major transitions and shifts in her life when a friend first told her about SWIHA. “I had transformed my body . . . yet something was missing and that was the mind-body-spirit connection,” shared Nancy, who recently completed the Mind-Body Transformational Psychology program at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Her passion for this program developed from deep within her soul. She recalled how she lit up when first saw the list of Spiritual Studies courses that were part of her program:

Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Blog

Sarah Peters: Finding Zen

Before she found SWIHA, Sarah Peters a young woman, working a stressful job in a medical office – She was sick, overweight, and lost. “I was just starting to expand my health knowledge and learning how to self-heal. As I was searching for photography schools online, I 'accidentally' stumbled upon SWIHA,” shared Sarah. After 'stumbling' onto SWIHA’s website, Sarah enrolled into the Mind/Body Transformational Psychology program, specializing in hypnotherapy, Reiki, Life Coaching and yoga. Sarah became fascinated with almost every subject in her program: “I love the psychology of the mind; I love having deep conversations with people and I have always been sensitive to energies – other people’s energy as well as mine! It was so amazing to find a program that connected everything together for me – mind, body, energy and coaching!”

Sarah is currently transitioning into a Sound/Energy Healer and Yoga Teacher position at Knead Me Wellness in North Phoenix – a move she’s very excited about. She’ll begin taking clients there in March 2016, where she’ll share her wide array of gifts, including Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Coaching, Sound Healing and private yoga instruction.

Her sessions are customized to the client’s personal goals and challenges. “Sessions are an average of 90 minutes in length and involve a combination of healing energy work, coaching and education. This process allows for the client to begin to break free of subconscious patterns and behaviors and learn techniques to continue the process once the sessions are complete,” Sarah explained.

She generally works with women because, being a woman herself, she has a better understanding of their needs. Sarah went on to say that she generally attracts a demographic looking to ease anxiety and heal past traumas: “I am told that I provide an environment to fully support the emotional, spiritual and physical bodies.”

When asked how SWIHA has changed her perspective of self, Sarah declared how she’s a completely changed person from three years ago! “I’m only 25 and I feel like I have the wisdom of my elders. My personal and professional relationships have either been removed or changed for the better. I feel humbled, wise and fully prepared for any interactions I find myself in, whether that is energetically or professionally.”

So, what were some of the biggest lessons she learned at SWIHA, as well as any lessons she has for future graduates?

“I realized the magnitude of how much we project ourselves onto everything and person around us. I learned that journaling and meditating are the keys to physical, personal and professional success. Also, I learned that every time I thought I had all the answers, I didn’t. Don’t force anything; put yourself out there; make an effort. It’s very clear when the timing is right for any venture… yet it’s ok to check your horoscope. In all of the courses I’ve taken at SWIHA, the most valuable lesson I learned was how to ‘hold space’ for my clients and myself. This was taught to me in various ways and helped me gain a true understanding of how I must find my own way to relate to and serve others.”
Sarah Peters

In closing, Sarah left us with these words of wisdom: “Leave your ego at the door and follow the flow.” Sarah may be found at

Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Blog

No Perfect Parents ~ A perfect niche for Sarah Senst to claim as a Life Coach

It was in the wee hours of the evening that Spirit spoke to Sarah Senst. “I was unable to sleep one night feeling depressed and anxious about my future. A late night TV commercial for the Life Coaching program at SWIHA was shown! The commercial, the program and the school immediately spoke to me!”

What fueled Sarah’s passion and consuming interest in the Life Coaching program, stemmed from her position as the ultimate life coach – parenting! “I've always enjoyed engaging with people and learning their 'stories.’ This strength has allowed me to connect with many different people from many different backgrounds. People really do care that you care – they don’t care as much about what you know. I think people can feel that I care when they are around me. My passion became more focused after my own personal experience of raising three children in a one-adult home; I realized others could also benefit from support, non-judgement and acceptance in their own parenting experiences. I came to understand that society can be very critical of parents and it is not an area we are highly trained in or prepared for, yet it is perhaps one of the most important jobs in existence. I wanted to create a place where people could talk about the fears, resentments, anxieties, hopes, dreams, frustrations and blessings that accompany raising healthy children. Hence my coaching business, No Perfect Parents, was born in 2005.”

Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Blog

Kristin Apodaca – First I worked on myself – Now I’m fully prepared to offer my work to others!

Like many SWIHA students, Kristin Apodaca’s path to SWIHA was full of trials and tribulations. Nearly seven years ago, Kristin and her family moved to Arizona for her husband’s new job, leaving her family and old life behind in Boca Raton, Florida. On the outside, she had it all: a loving husband, four beautiful and healthy children, a large home and many friend -- and yet, as Kristin revealed, she felt like she had no idea who she was as a person. Seven years of being a stay-at-home-mom took their toll on her.She spent that time feeling very resentful towards her husband for having to work such long hours, taking him away from their family and herself. All of these factors led her to a breaking point. “I had lost my identity,” confessed Kristin. After briefly using anti-depressants to help cope with her anxiety and depression, she knew there had to be a more holistic route available.

“I knew I had to find an alternative to the medicine; I needed to deal with and explore the feeling of emptiness I felt so that I could be the best version of myself and be the best mom I could be for my children,” said Kristin. After beginning to look into self-help retreats, a friend of hers mentioned the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. She quickly logged onto SWIHA’s website -- -- and knew that this was exactly what she needed.

Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Yoga Teacher Training, Blog, yoga

Jennifer Csajko: Helping Others Discover Love As A Life Coach

Jennifer Csajko was so miserable at her job and she needed a little ‘divine intervention’. She didn't know what she wanted to do with her life. “When I started learning about Law of Attraction and our thoughts and energies, I attracted SWIHA (Southwest Institute of Healing Arts) into my life. My yoga teacher liked the SWIHA Facebook page and when I clicked on it, I knew that this was what I was meant to do. I had to be a part of the program. That was in October and by January I had quit my job and was enrolled. Best decision I ever made!”

Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Blog

Paul Smith: Finds Purpose Through Massage, Coaching, Ministering & More

Paul Smith is the epitome of a SWIHA #GreatGraduate, displaying the reverent and resilient balance between action and stillness. Paul is a life-long student who has used every ounce of his experience to expand his own personal growth and empower that in others.

He shares that he has found his life purpose through integrating his past experiences and observations: “Human beings have the capacity to be so healthy and so happy. All people can have a very loving connection between family, friends, colleagues and teammates. I have been observing and studying throughout my entire life so that I could help others. Unfortunately a few tragedies have occurred: my grandfather died of cancer, my high school head football coach died of cancer, my little cousin overdosed on prescription medication and my little brother took his own life. I've observed so many other tragedies and challenges - and numerous disheartening news stories are aired every day.

Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, massage, Blog

Keta Baker: Divinely placed breadcrumbs lead to Life Coaching

Keta Baker is a true #GreatGraduate and the testimony of her journey is as divinely guided as she is. Keta’s story begins with her questioning the universe, “One Saturday afternoon in 2012, my sister brought me to this Italian restaurant in Phoenix. We pulled up to the restaurant and out of my mouth came the words, ‘This is a nice place to have my life coaching business housed in.’ This was followed by me looking up and saying, ‘What?’ . . . ‘What life coaching business?’” What Keta Baker didn’t fully understand at the time was that she was getting ‘downloads’ from Spirit.

Humbly, Keta explains, “I began to get these downloads of a whole business plan and what I was to do to help others as a Life Coach. I didn’t have anything to write on, so as soon as I got inside of the restaurant, I grabbed several napkins to record what I knew was God’s plan for my life. That evening I Googled what a Life Coach was and began searching for schools where I could learn to become a Life Coach. I prayed for direction for the path the Divine placed me on. A few days went by and after diligently listening and looking, SWIHA, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, came up.”

Keta quickly called the next day to schedule a tour of the SWIHA campus in Tempe, Arizona.

“When I walked in the main lobby, it felt like birds were singing, music was playing, and the sun was shining inside the building. The environment was so friendly and welcoming and provided this awesome feeling. I sat with an Admissions Coach and she went over Life Coaching and tuition for the program. When I left, my mission was to get $1800 so I could enroll in the program.”

Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Blog

Jessica Ireland: Creating “Fertile” Grounds Through Healing

Prior to registering at SWIHA, Jessica Ireland was, in her own words, “barely existing.”

“I lacked a post-secondary education, and the 15 years I worked in the finance industry meant nothing while I was applying for employment during the recession. I was struggling to put food on the table and keep a roof over my head, while spiraling further and further into a state of depression.”

After receiving a steady stream of rejection letters from potential minimum wage employers, Jessica realized that unless she obtained some form of post-secondary education in an area that was growing throughout North America, she would eventually end up homeless and hungry. Enter SWIHA.

“As soon as I discovered SWIHA, I knew that my search for the school and the education I desired was over. I relocated my 3 dogs and myself from Calgary, Alberta Canada to Phoenix, Arizona and haven’t looked back since.” Jessica shared how SWIHA allowed her to shed the weight of her past, while discovering her dreams and tapping into her infinite potential.

“SWIHA provided me with the tools I needed to release a lot of false beliefs I had about myself and gave me the opportunity to discover who I was. I was able to let go of so many things from my past that were holding me back and not contributing to my life. I am now able to look at my life from a place of love, acceptance and forgiveness and I am a much happier and confident person.”

Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Holistic Nutrition, Yoga Teacher Training, Hypnotherapy, Blog, yoga

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