Growing up in a small town located just outside of North Little Rock, Arkansas, Susan White joined the Air Force at age of 17 and spent the next 12 ½ years traveling the world, connecting with different cultures, exploring new places, and becoming aware that there is more to life that meets the eye – and that, in the end, it’s all about ‘energy’.
After the birth of her daughter, Susan began to experience a deep calling for something different—almost as if there was an ‘energy’ leading her to search for more. She followed that ‘energy’ or ‘calling’ and decided to start a new journey outside of military life. Almost as if to counter balance the male-dominated-structured life she had lived for over a decade, Susan’s new path led her to do intuitive readings and eventually, using tarot cards.
Along her path, as Susan felt a deep desire to expand her knowledge and skills when she stumbled upon the SWIHA website. The phrase SWIHA often uses to describe itself – ‘the school with great energy’ – called to Susan right away. “I was captivated by the great energy I felt by just reading the website, and the more I read, the more drawn and excited I was,” shared Susan excitedly.
Shortly thereafter, Susan enrolled in the Holistic Wellness Practitioner diploma, with an emphasis in both Hypnotherapy and Nutrition. Her passion for these two areas of specialization developed when she began her quest for self-healing. “I am a student of life who loves to learn new ideas to support both myself, and others. I have achieved the best results through a mind-body-spirit-connected approach and found myself drawn to learn and share it with others,” revealed Susan.
Susan currently operates her business, Blended Insight, from her home in Denver, Colorado. She offers intuitive readings and energy healing to assist with a wide variety of concerns – emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental. Susan added: “I am very empathic and intuitive, so all of my services are infused with what I receive from Spirit. I currently offer distance energy healing and intuitive tarot card readings. I am a Reiki Master and recently began learning Pranic healing, which I am incorporating into my practice.”
As she began to develop with private practice Susan noticed that the clients who were intuitively drawn to her were blocked energetically, mentally and physically blocked. One of her gifts is the ability to feel their ‘energy’ and feel their stuck-ness. Wanting to offer her clients energetic release, Susan was led to learn Reiki. She began blending her gifts to provide her clients with a holistic session – mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical. She found when hypnotherapy and Reiki were combined amazing results happened.
One of Susan’s clients shared a beautiful affirmation about her experience:
Susan has been a blessing to me. Through her readings, healings, visions, and Reiki, she has opened my eyes, heart and mind to things I subconsciously was aware of but have refused to deal with. Susan has such a unique and precious gift. She uses her talents with gentleness, kindness and caring with the only intent to heal, provide guidance, and peace as directed from the angels above. ~Stephanie
Most recently, Susan has started to offer energy healing infused meditation downloads. She offers her services over the phone or through Skype. Thoughtfully reflecting, “When I was first offering intuitive card readings and Reiki energy healing, the word was spreading and the feedback was positive. I developed a website so that out-of-state friends and clients could offer donations through PayPal. The business organically evolved from there!”
“My goal is for every client to leave a session feeling better than they did when they showed up. Energy healing sessions are different for everyone. Some people experience subtle shifts in their mood, physical feelings, or circumstances. Others experience more marked differences. In readings, clients can expect to gain reassurance and/or insight into their current situation.”
Two of her international clients shared their praises:
Susan is very knowledgeable in the art of Reiki. She was able to determine my health concerns without any information from me. She wrote me an email message and said that I was on her mind and that it seemed as though I was having some pain and discomfort. She was absolutely right. She then gave me an accurate assessment of what was going on in my body. I found that to be truly amazing. She asked for permission to perform Reiki on my ailing body parts from nearly 4,000 miles away and I granted it. The very next day the pain, stiffness and most of the swelling had gone away. Metaphysically, she is truly awesome! ~Quinton
Even though I live halfway across the planet (in South Korea), we know that energy has no such boundaries as distance and time. Susan has provided me with vital feedback and clarity during our sessions and readings. She truly uses her gifts to heal, rejuvenate and increase love and light. I know she will enrich anyone’s life with whom she comes in contact. ~Kasham
Susan believes that you are drawn to a certain healer or intuitive reader, so trust your intuition. The same is true of clients. Sometimes, as a practitioner, you are intuitively drawn to a client. Reach out – Your soul knows the truth and will never lead you astray.
When asked how she markets her business, Susan shared that she doesn’t have to, since her YouTube presence has been her main source of outreach: “I have a YouTube channel that I created to help my clients in between sessions. I started loading free mini-distance healings and meditations with the intent of providing clients with mini energetic tune-ups. Slowly, other people started finding my channel and subscribing. I have never advertised so I have been humbled and blown away.”
Susan said that applying what she learned at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts has added more confidence and depth to her work. “I feel both supported and empowered, and I love passing along all that I’ve learned to my clients. My SWIHA education really allowed me to explore healing on a deeper level. I was exposed to things I would not have found on my own, and they made me better. I am grateful.”