Adam Ramirez was at a place in his life where he desired to finish his education in something that he could really utilize as part of the medicine path he was already beginning to follow. “I put that inclination out to the universe, as I kept getting a hint towards finalizing my education, and as I came home one summer a few years back I met a friend of my mothers who seemed to be finishing her schooling through SWIHA. She told me all about this wonderful school, and I knew from there it was meant to be.”
From a young age, Adam has been concerned with the human race and the way we impacted ourselves and the world around us. He knew from a young age that he wanted to take away all the suffering and demise of the world. He started “learning about the human race (sociology/psychology), learning of how I could help and be an instrument of medicine to the people. We all have a rhyme and reason for being on this planet, finding our key and opening the door is on our part in order to grow and flourish.”
Adam’s business is with “our Divine Mother Earth and our ancestors in helping to bring about right relationship, right, action, right mind, and right heart into the world as we see it.” He doesn’t have a particular business name and goes by his given name of “Shield of the Feather”, or the Ancestral Medicine Revival movement. Adam has traveled with his mentor, Balance Toe, and his brother all around the country with different medicine and elders, helping to preserve and share among others those services and medicines handed down from generation to generation. This work is an effort “to maintain and keep alive that which once served our ancestors in a much different time, which I believe is needed now more than ever in our world once again.”
Adam describes his work as “as etheric or natural force medicine, using only the substances provided by our Divine Mother and Father in coherence with Great Spirit. Initially providing services of Imagery therapy in a crystal matrix, along with our drum skin and didgeridoo for people helping to align or reset a part of themselves with their best and highest good for growth, healing, and development. We do medicine work through movement, where we use methods of Qi Gong along with forces of nature and our American Indian understanding in order to tap into the universal life force energy for nurture, cleansing, balance, and healing. We also do a form of healing with feathers called feather tapping where we tap around the client’s body with different feathers, crystals, and rattles to bring about purification, balance, and assisting in connecting the forces of heaven and earth to the DNA, body, mind, and spirit of an individual. I also do a form of divination done through a method called Cosmic stone readings where the client lays certain stones over a directional grid which represents them self and their path, from there I explain and relay certain advice and guidance that may help them more readily on their path and growth of self. These last two services can be attributed and were taught to us by the beautiful Balance Toe of the Rainbow clan, who was ultimately taught the medicine and mentored by his Grandmother named Ascension. We also do a form of Geomancy and homely blessings or clearings as needed.”

His clients are everyone and anyone looking, seeking, and willing to find healing within themselves. He meets clients through traveling, networking with people on the road, calling and reaching out to like-minded individuals and/or hospitals, social media, and word of mouth. Adam doesn’t like to claim that a client will have a certain or specific experience during a session. “I am only a guide, a vessel and means by which the client remembers what they already know within themselves, as Great Spirit is the one and means by which the client feels and understands through my being.”
The services Adam offers have been handed down and taught to him by different elders, spiritualists, and schools such as SWIHA. He feels that his time at SWIHA was very valuable and that he learned so much through his program. He noticed that SWIHA has the ability to descend a person into their program, studies, and business by beginning with the self and implementing a lot of the work on the self. He believes that this inner work helps to break down barriers or restraints encouraging each student to go to the deepest depths of themselves only to ascend out of this school with innate gifts, tools, and potentials that can now be used to help and share and heal others.
“This school is a beacon of light. SWIHA has helped give me the knowledge, experience, and understanding in working with all sorts of different clients, and learning to expand and grow my business as part of my practice and path. SWIHA has helped me grow more into the person and type of business I desire to see in the world. It has helped bring about attention and awareness on my behalf that needed reckoning and shifting, allowing that medicine and part of myself to come through more authentically and professionally.”
The world in which we live in inspires Adam and keeps him curious. He found himself on his current path of healing others by listening to his intuition, following signs and paying attention to guidance he received. He knows he is doing powerful and transformative work. One particular testimonial that sticks out to him was submitted by my client, Laurel of Maine, as follows, ‘My experience with Balance Toe was life altering. I had cancer and it is gone. He is a magical being of light. He healed me and so did Adam.’
As Adam prepares to head to South America for more learning, he reflects on the most challenging part growing and starting his business. He says that it was “letting go of the need or want of expectation of self and business, and following my path as destined, wing tip to wing tip with Spirit. As we hold on to things that may not show or present themselves we set our ourselves up for failure or disappointment, as when we soulfully claim and will it in to our being, Spirit has no other choice then to show us the way.”
Adam plans on heading to Wisconsin after South America to study with a medicine man from his own tribe. Keep an eye out for Adam because he hopes to create “a wellness center somewhere in the west where we use all natural forms of ancestral medicine to help people from all over."
In the meantime, you can work with him online and follow his travels through his website He is also on Facebook and Instagram as @Ramedicine_Bear444. He also welcomes you to get in touch with questions at shieldofthefeather84@gmail.
Adam wanted to share a mantra, given to him by his mentor, with recent graduates from SWIHA: “I am that I am, you are you, together we are we, for which I am that I am.”