Great Graduates from SWIHA, SWINA & SOY

Suzie Emiliozzi

Suzie Emiliozzi
Whether your goal involves better physical well being, emotional balance, peace-of-mind, lifestyle change, or spiritual healing or development, you are sure to find a right-fit with Living Joy, LLC. Suzie Emiliozzi is fully committed to helping you to create what is desired by releasing barriers, refreshing the mind, rejuvenating the body, and redirecting energy into what matters most.

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Plans Change ~ Go with What Allows you to Live in Joy!

“We all have the inborn ability to heal, to maintain, and to grow.”

This is the premise of Suzie Emiliozzi’s business, Living Joy LLC.

Suzie launched Living Joy shortly after graduating from the online Associates of Mind-Body Transformational Psychology Degree program at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA). Since then, she has helped hundreds of clients change, heal, and discover themselves.

Let’s start at the beginning…

Years ago, Suzie was diagnosed with a terrible case of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Even with medical care, her condition was debilitating. Everyday tasks such as brushing her teeth, walking, or getting in and out of the bathtub were nearly impossible. Eventually Suzie was introduced to a form of energy healing called BodyTalk™. This holistic healing modality addresses the whole person: emotional, physical and environmental. Due to additional emotional and situational issues Suzie was experiencing at the time, BodyTalk™ was successful in her path to healing; she experienced immediate and profound changes within her body.


Topics: Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Blog

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